WEILBURGER Graphics GmbH is a climate neutral company from now on

Gerhardshofen, August 03, 2020 – The global manufacturer of coatings, flexo inks and adhesives for the graphic industry WEILBURGER Graphics GmbH, located in Gerharshofen Germany, is since this month a climate neutral company. This means, that the company completely compensates through climate protection programs the CO2 emissions that its industrial activity produces.
This is achieved with help of the company ClimatePartner based out of Munich. ClimatePartner is a climate change solution provider and combines tailor-made with a cloud-based software, that according to internal sources is unique in the market. Their customers can therefore calculate the CO2 emissions, reduce them, and compensate the inevitable ones. In this way, WEILBURGER Graphics becomes a climate neutral company, which we can certify with the ClimatePartner label.
Determining the CO2 Emissions
The engagement base is the greenhouse balance. With support from ClimatePartner, the relevant CO2 emissions from WEILBURGER Graphics were identified and reduction potentials were deduced. The analysis and annual updating of this balance allow the implementation and control of measures that WEILBURGER Graphics can use to reduce and avoid CO2 emissions.
Compensating the CO2 emissions through climate protection projects
Climate protection projects spare CO2 through reforestation measures or by replacing climate damaging technologies. These have, together with a friendly environmental impact, a positive effect in the local communities’ development. Through the support of the hydropower project Virunga In the DR of Congo and the rainforest protection project April Salumei in Papua New Guinea, the WEILBURGER Graphics manages to balance out the greenhouse gases it emits. All the projects at ClimatePartner are certified with the highest international standards and by independent third parties that audit the measures on site.
Controlling the CO2 Compensation
WEILBURGER Graphics can be transparently tracked in the ClimatePartner process with a contractual ID-Number. Under www.climatepartner.com/14543-2007-1001 you will find the climate neutrality certificate for WEILBURGER Graphics GmbH with information about how much CO2 was compensated through the company and which climate protection projects are supported.
Günter Korbacher, General Manager at WEILBURGER Graphics commented: “We at WEILBURGER Graphics GmbH have anchored for many years environmental protection, sustainability and social responsibility at the top of our business philosophy and we live those goals with full conviction. Therefore, we manufacture for many years now with the lowest CO2 emissions possible and we regularly invest in solar panels, block heating and heating pumps. Already since 2012 we replaced the heating oil with wooden pellets, and we obtain our electricity from renewable sources for many years now. Finally, we placed the cornerstone for a climate neutral company through the investment in a new and modern plant for water based and UV-based coatings. The certificate obtained with ClimatePartner and the CO2 compensation it encompasses through the climate protection projects we support was a logical step and it gives our customers the certainty that WEILBURGER Graphcis not only convinces through quality and availability points, but also for being a 100% climate neutral company.”
More information:www.weilburger.com and also at www.climatepartner.com/14543-2007-1001
Günter Korbacher
Managing Director
Phone: +49 9163 9992-100
E-Mail: g.korbacher@weilburger-graphics.de
Am Rosenbühl 5
91466 Gerhardshofen
Arno Dürr
Sales Manager
Phone: +49 9163 9992-200
E-Mail: a.duerr@weilburger-graphics.de
Am Rosenbühl 5
91466 Gerhardshofen